The Team

The Team

Thursday, March 8, 2012


There are now 43 Morgan's (and their drivers) signed up for MOA VI, 2015, and we haven't even yet advertised to all the UK Morgan Club Centres. This is a fantastic response.
As we will be limiting the number of Morgans that come on the trip (less than 43), please let us know if you are no longer interested so you can be removed from the list.
It presents many challenges and much more work for the organizers if participants don't do the entire route, as planned. Ken and I  receive nothing other than smiles,  thank you's and a small gift for organizing these trips (no, you don't cover our expenses- never have on MOA's) which keeps the trip cost as reasonable as possible, and far less than other trips. Those who pay for the entire trip have expectations of us, and we can't be diverted for others.
Therefore,  we plan on only taking participants who agree to do the entire route. Yes, if we are in your area, you can drive along with us for one day. You will need to copy the master list for the route, as we don't carry extra "dailies".
Sorry about not being able to do Day Trippers, but it is much too much work for us.

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