The Team

The Team

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Experience North American History while driving your Morgan over scenic roads in the Eastern US and Canada. Join with Morganeers from America, UK and other countries on a 38 day journey through 14 states and 5 Canadian provinces.

The Steve Roake Memorial Morgans Over America VI will start about September 10, 2015, in Savannah, Georgia, and end in Williamsburg/Norfolk West Virginia. It will include some of the roads and sites visited in Morgans Over America IV, with many new places to see and visit.

This adventure is being organized again by Ken Miles of the  Morgan Sport Car Club of Canada, the Morgan Owners Group North West, and Elaine Fisher of the Morgan Sports Car Club of Northern California, and the Morgan Sports Car Club UK.  Elaine and Ken organized MOA IV and V, with able assistance from UK Morganeers in shipping the vehicles to the US.

Steve Roake, in whose memory we are doing this trip, a long time member of the Morgan Sports Car Club of Northern California and many other antique car clubs,  along with Jeremy Harrison and Keith Cox of the UK Morgan Clubs, organized the first three Morgans  Over America Trips.

Mark your calendars, indicate your interest in the adventure, and follow along on this blog   for updates on the planning.
To indicate your interest in joining us or meeting with us, please email Elaine at or Ken at

1 comment:

verndj said...

Ken, Phil and Elaine... great potential route. Amanda & I will be saving our pennies and hope to attend. Possibly with the Sage Lady, if not definitely in a drop-top of some form.

Vern & Amanda DJ